Stop the overflow today with Extra Garbage Day! We are Calgary’s first supplemental residential waste collection service offering additional scheduled garbage days on top of your existing City service.
Whether you have a large family or just want the peace of mind of weekly garbage pickup, we have you covered!
Sign up for one of our Service Plans! Once you sign up, your service will start on your next Extra Garbage Day.
We pick up on the same day you get City service, but on the opposite week. This allows 7 days between garbage days alternating between us and the City.
Set out your waste in garbage bags or a self provided waste container using our Waste Placement Guidelines. We cannot collect from City owned black carts.
Did you have a City garbage day this week? This means will be picking up the same day on the following week. This allows you to get weekly garbage service 7 days apart alternating between us and the City.
Did you have a City garbage day this week? This means will be picking up the same day on the following week. This establishes weekly garbage service 7 days apart alternating between us and the City.