How It Works
Please note: Extra Garbage Day is a very small company. Occasionally there will be scheduled days without service to prevent burnout. Extra waste will be accommodated on your following scheduled pickup date to get you caught up.
Please note: Extra Garbage Day is a very small company. Occasionally there will be scheduled days without service to prevent burnout. Extra waste will be accommodated on your following scheduled pickup date to get you caught up.
1. Sign Up For One Of Our Service Plans
Sign up for a service plan which suits your needs. Once you sign up, your service will start on your next Extra Garbage Day. We will E-mail you your collection schedule, so please make sure you double check you email address is correct.

2. Find Out When Your Next Extra Garbage Day Is
When is my next Extra Garbage Day? A pick up schedule will be E-mailed out so you know which days you receive service. It is best to add these dates to your reminder schedule so you don’t miss a pick up day. Extra Garbage Day still provides service on STAT holidays which land on your scheduled pickup days (except for Christmas day and New Years day, those pickup days will be shifted on your schedule)

3. Set out your waste following our guidelines below
Set out your garbage in bags or self provided garbage cans by 7:00am on your Extra Garbage Day in a clearly visible location on your driveway or property. Please note we service the same side of your property the City services. For example, If your garbage cart is normally picked up in the back lane, then that’s where we’ll be picking up as well.
Important: Please consider purchasing your own bin(s) for our service or leave garbage bags on your front or back driveway. Do not use your City issued garbage carts! City black carts are City property and cannot be serviced by Extra Garbage Day. You may leave garbage in front of or beside your City cart instead.

Guidelines & Regulations
Helpful advice for happy neighbours
We Can Not Collect From City Owned Black Carts
(Please buy your own bin(s) or use garbage bags)
It is important to note third party companies such as Extra Garbage Day cannot empty your City owned black cart. Your City carts are property of the City and protected by bylaws. Everything placed inside your City cart is considered City property. You can supply your own waste bins or set bags out on your driveway for us to pickup.

Use appropriate disposal supplies
Household waste should be set out in secured garbage bags or waste bins. Both bags and waste bins can be used if desired. Please be mindful of the weight of your bags/bins as a person lifts the garbage into the truck, not a machine. No loose dust or garbage will be collected from garbage bins, all loose garbage must be bagged.
What Oversized items are acceptable?
Acceptable oversized items include smaller pieces of furniture, styrofoam, lawn chairs, large toys, etc.
Note: Please bundle and pin down any lighter material like styrofoam which may blow away on a windy day.

Acceptable Waste Materials
Besides oversize items weighing 45 pounds or less, items which are unacceptable to put in your City black carts are also unacceptable for us to pick up as well. Please Click Here to see what can’t go in your garbage.
ABSOLUTELY NO: Chemicals, paints, aerosols, tires, automotive parts, oils and cleaners.
RENNOVATION/DEMOLITION MATERIAL: We cannot take concrete, rocks, tiles, drywall, grout, shingles and large amounts of wood and carpet with our regular service.

Garbage Placement Instructions
Place your waste in clear sight on the side of your property you normally would put your City black cart out on. On or beside your driveway is an ideal location as shown below. Do not impede roadways, alleys, sidewalks or utility boxes with your waste.